If straight teeth is your goal, Invisalign® clear braces may be exactly the thing for you. This modern technological dental advancement allows your teeth to be straightened without the use of the more traditional bulky and noticeable braces.
Invisalign® clear braces are almost undetectable, giving your natural smile a chance to show through. Clear, removable, aligners will be custom-fitted to your teeth, allowing you more freedom and flexibility during treatment.
Advantages of Invisalign Braces Treatment
Clear braces offer several advantages over traditional metal braces. We are proud to offer this treatment because of these advantages:
- Hygiene: With removable aligners, you will be able to enjoy all the same foods as before, and you can brush and floss thoroughly without your braces getting in the way. With Invisalign® clear braces, you can keep your regular daily dental hygiene routine. You will also be able to receive routine professional cleanings without interference.
- Convenience: Being able to remove your aligners at your own convenience gives you the ability to take them out whenever you’d like. If you have a special occasion and don’t want to wear your aligners for an hour, you have that flexibility.
- Appearance: Invisalign® treatment involves high-quality clear aligners that are fully transparent. This makes them almost undetectable. While undergoing treatment, you can feel confident that the only thing people are looking at is your beautiful smile.
- Time: Finding the most efficient way to achieve results is important to our patients and to us. Traditional braces can take up to two years or more. With Invisalign® clear braces, patients can enjoy easier appointments and a much quicker treatment plan.
- Comfort: Clear braces do not have any of the brackets or poking wires that traditional braces do. You can enjoy the irritation-free material while your teeth gradually move into position through gentle pressure instead of being pulled along by metal brackets.
You can enjoy these benefits while you straighten your teeth. We love offering a treatment that results in a more comfortable treatment period as well as a healthy, beautiful smile!
Invisible Treatment for Visibly Beautiful Smiles!
We are happy to offer such a convenient and innovative way to straighten teeth, and our patients love the results they see. If you are interested in an alternative to traditional braces, call our office at 480-839-0502 today to find out more about Invisalign braces!